This is a window into my life.... Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, Marriage, Weight Loss Surgery, and finally... a multiple pregnancy.

Learn more about my Infertility Journey here:
3 years and counting

Welcome to the World Orion and Ronin!

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Introducing Baby Olin... ETA November 2011.


I was heavily debating whether to tell anyone or not... but after 2 years of trying I just couldn't hold it in. I have a pretty high chance of miscarrying... but for now I'm going to be happy, hopeful, and relaxed. I have 7 more weeks until I'm through the danger zone... I'm almost half way done! I couldn't not tell anyone... I have all these people thinking about me, hoping for me, praying for me... and I felt that I owed it to them to let them know that all their thinking, hoping, and praying had finally paid off.

Now... the story of my peeing on a stick

I woke up early this morning with the intent to go to the base lab and have them take my blood to see if I was pregnant. I'm not much of a morning person so I was like... well I'll just pee on this stick and maybe be able to go back to sleep for an hour or so before work. So I peed on my little stick and sat it on the counter and walked away. I started getting ready for work and eventually wandered back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. That was when I looked at the test (digital). At first I was in utter shock. I first thought I was going crazy... then I wondered if I was going blind... then I just started bawling like a little baby. I was in hysterics. I immediately called my mom. (lol yeah... I didn't call my husband first). She had to have me repeat myself like 4 times. I think she thought I was dying at first because I sounded like a crazy lady. We talked for a minute then my mom asked me if I had talked to Thayer. lol So then I called my husband. He's so silly... he was like "Congratulations." lol Silly boy... it's your baby too and I know he enjoyed the making. Then I called my dad. He was so happy and I think he teared up a little bit. Then I texted my favorite Beaner friend, Martha. She cried! Oh... I did go to the lab on base and they confirmed :)

So... 7 more weeks...

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